Monday, January 16, 2023

16 January, 2023


Weight: 67 kg
Height: 172 cm
BMI: 23
Hydration: 1.3 liter
BG: 5.7 @ 6.40 am
BP: 117/68 @ 6.45 am
BG: 4.7 @ 1.50 p.m 
BP: 117/75 @ 2.00 pm
8 hours of sleep

Trajentamet at 7.45 am
Amlodipine at 7.45 am
Terbinafine at 7.45 a.m 
Trajentamet at 7.45 pm

3 fish oil @ 8.00 a.m 
1 iron capsule @ 8.00 am

  • Breakfast: One half-boiled egg and flat white coffee
  • Lunch: Red kidney beans with mushrooms and stir-fried lamb
  • Dinner: Fried tofu, mushrooms, anchovies and gaichoy
100 alternate nostril breathing
100 torso twists
100 reverse crunches 
100 chair sit ups
100 diaphragmatic breathing 
100 mountain climbers
100 knee bends
100 squats
100 alternate knee taps
100 calf acupressure
100 thigh acupressure
100 arm acupressure
100 foot acupressure 
100 plastic ball squeezes
 400 climbing steps 
14,500 walking steps
100 seconds of cobra pose
30 minutes Ping Shuai Gong
      Perth street art, 2023

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