Thursday, March 7, 2019

7 March, 2019

  • Weight: 71 kg
  • BMI: 24
  • BG: 7.0 at 1.50 p.m.
  • Metformin at  7.00 a.m.
  • Lisinopril at 7.00 a.m.
  • Metformin at 6.15 p.m.
  • Multigrain cheese sandwich and a cup of coffee for breakfast
  • Egg curry with boiled chayote and barley for lunch
  • Lentil soup with okra, curry chicken, basmati rice, papadam for dinner
  • 100 diaphragmatic breathing
  • 100 abdominal crunches
  • 100 handgrip crunches
  • 100 torso twists
  • 100 mountain climbers
  • 100 mountain poses
  • 100 tree poses
  • 100 knee bends
  • 100 heel raises
  • 100 acupressure on each calf
  • 100 acupressure on each thigh
  • 100 acupressure on each arm
  • 100 acupressure on each palm
  • 100 acupressure on the fingers
  • 100 pulldowns
  • 100 leg presses
  • 100 chest presses
  • 100 wrist curls
  • 100 bicep curls
  • 100 hammer curls
  • 100 tricep curls
  • 200 stair climbs
  • 9000 walking steps

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