Saturday, August 26, 2017

  • BG at 7.50 a.m. was 8.49 (153)
  • BG at 7.00 p.m. was 5.55 (100)

  • Metformin at 8.00 a.m.
  • Lisinopril at 8.00 a.m.
  • Metformin at 7.20 p.m.

  • One boiled sweet potato
  • Cup of coffee with raw honey
  • Sticky rice with chicken floss, celery, red onion, and grape tomatoes
  • Fried rice with pork, broccoli, and grape tomatoes
  • Two juicy eastern peaches

  • 30 minutes of yoga
  • 30 minutes of deep breathing
  • 30 minutes of strengthening exercises
  • 100 abdominal crunches
  • 100 hand grip crunches
  • 100 triceps extensions
  • 100 biceps curls
  • 100 hammer curls
  • 100 squats
  • 100 heel raises
  • 100 high knee jacks
  • 100 mountain climbers
  • 400 stair steps
  • Walked 5 km (3 miles)

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