Monday, January 14, 2019

14 January 2019

  • Weight: 72 kg (158.7 lbs)
  • BMI = 24.3

  • Metformin 1000 mg at 8.15a.m.
  • Lisinopril 10 mg at 8.15 a.m.
  • Metformin 1000mg at 7.50 p.m.

  • One full-boiled egg
  • One slice of multigrain bread with butter
  • Cup of coffee with milk
  • Snacks of cashews, almonds, and peanuts
  • Basmati rice with deep fried fresh sardines and Filipino garden vegetable waterleaf  for lunch
  • Multigrain sandwich with cheese

  • 100 diaphragmatic breathing exercises
  • 100 yoga happy baby pose
  • 100 yoga tree pose
  • 100 yoga mountain pose
  • 100 squats
  • 100 knee bends
  • 100 mountain climbers
  • 100 hand grips
  • 100 forward bends
  • 100 acupressure squeezes of fingers
  • 100 acupressure squeezes of each palm
  • 100 acupressure squeezes of each thigh
  • 100 acupressure squeezes of each arm
  • 100 acupressure squeezes of each calf
  • 100 pulldowns
  • 100 chest presses
  • 100 leg presses
  • 1000 staircase step climbs
  • 9000 walking steps

My Favorite Dish

Hard boiled egg with sweet potato on a bed of green salad

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