Wednesday, October 18, 2017

  • BG at 8.22 a.m. was 7.9 (142)

  • Metformin at 8.30 a.m.
  • Lisinopril at 8.30 a.m.
  • Metformin at 6.45 p.m.

  • Oatmeal with walnuts, almonds, and peanut butter
  • Nutribullet jug of juice with organic grape tomatoes, kale, and red radish
  • Twelve-grain bread with cheese
  • Peanuts for mid-afternoon snack
  • Basmati rice with prawns, tofu, and mushrooms

  • 30 minutes of yoga
  • 30 minutes of deep breathing
  • 100 heel raises
  • 100 alternate heel taps
  • 100 knee bends
  • 100 tree poses
  • 100 leg swings
  • 100 mountain climbers
  • 100 torso twists
  • 100 alternate knee taps
  • 100 jumping jacks
  • 100 shoulder rolls
  • 100 squats
  • 100 wrist curls
  • 100 boxer shuffles
  • 100 hamstring curls
  • 100 biceps curls
  • Climbed 600 stair steps
  • Walked 5 km (3 miles)

(Exercise ideas}

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