Friday, May 6, 2016

  • My early morning BG taken at 5.45 a.m. was 165 (9.15) but when I took it again at 9 a.m. it was 127(7.0). However, in the evening it was 63 (3.5). I was feeling the low BG and I stabilized it with a glass of milk
  • I walked 10 KM (6 miles) today at the UMaine Rec Center gym. I think I will stick to 10 KM each day; doing 15 KM is a bit too ambitious for me
  • I did my usual in-house exercises including some yoga exercises; I also did some alternate nostril breathing
My food audit for today:
  1. Oatmeal with raspberries and chia seeds and a small boiled egg
  2. Mid morning veggie smoothie of spinach and strawberries
  3. Cooked sorghum with red lentils, and spicy organic ground beef
  4. Mid-afternoon snack of cantaloupe and watermelon
  5. A salad of baby spinach, sliced strawberries, sliced tomato, and a dressing of plain low-fat yogurt
  6. A 9 p.m. smoothie of milk, cocoa, and peanut butter

Diabetes is a growing problem in the USA. It is also a global problem. The numbers are staggering.

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